Adams, two . meeting of, in City of God 6BC 1093;GC 647-8;1T 659;   
Arnold, David LS 110;2SG 97-8, 149;   
Benevolent men cheerfulness lights faces of 2T 534   
Bookman(men) faithful, encouragement for LS 446    [1]
Ceremonial law See Law  
Civil law See Law  
Clergyman(men) efforts of, to keep light from shining on flocks GC 607    [5]
Consecrated men few really, among God’s people 5T 82   
Court of justice (law), Courts of justice angels have pleaded cause of the persecuted and oppressed in Ed 305;GC 632;    [37]
Crafty men lie in wait to deceive unwary children of God 3T 427   
Daughter, Daughters   [3]
Daughter-in-law mother who suffered trials because of 2T 281   
Dishonest man (men) among us need to be born again CS 142    [1]
Distinguished men failure of, to receive light of truth AA 240   
Efficient men God’s cause needs CT 538;GW 92-5;   
Egyptian king, Egyptian kings nearly all, called Pharaoh 3SG 189   
Egyptian law, Egyptian laws forbidding intercourse with foreign shepherds PP 130-1   
Egyptian wife Solomon’s, converted PK 53