One hundred times more accomplished when self-sacrifice of early days is manifested 6T 419   
One hundred youth not one in, feels his God-given responsibility 5T 115   
One-idea men described 2SM 319   
One thousand two hundred and sixty years began in A.D. 538 GC 54-5, 266-7, 439;SR 330-1;    [8]
Paulson, Dr. David MM 305;1SM 24-31;   
Peter’s mother-in-law Christ healed DA 259;MH 29;   
Petted wife 2T 433-4   
Philistine, Philistines ark of covenant captured by PK 415-6;PP 514, 583-8, 591, 622;4aSG 105-8;SR 185-7;4T 200, 516;    [37]
Phinehas (son of Eli) wife of, died in childbirth PP 585;4aSG 106;SR 187;    [2]
Physical law See Law  
Policy man (men) conservative, God does not need 5T 263    [5]
Prodigal son parable of See Parable   [3]
Professional man (men) benefits of manual training are needed by Ed 220    [7]
Purse-proud men lofty spirit of, because money has power 2T 277   
Rabbinical law, Rabbinical laws Christ acted independently of DA 84   
Race of men, Races of men Biblical term “neighbor” has no reference to COL 376;DA 503;    [31]
Responsible man (men) arbitrary use of authority by TM 357-8    [17]
Reverend men religion’s greatest danger Ev 592   
Rich poor men professing to serve God, are objects of pity CS 151   
Ritual law See Law