Degraded persons cannot help themselves 6T 279    [23]
Deluded person, Deluded persons salvation of, angels rejoice over 6T 304   
Depraved person, Depraved persons dead in sin, Christ’s compassion for 8T 31    [8]
Depressed person, Depressed persons Christian should not be CG 146    [5]
Despondent person, Despondent persons courage for, who has done wickedly COL 188-9    [7]
Destitute person, Destitute persons children may aid in helping CS 293    [7]
Dictatorial manner Scriptures should not be taught to youth and children in CT 429;FE 385;   
Discipline (for children and students)   [15]
Discouraged person, Discouraged persons broken down, are burden to themselves MM 79    [27]
Diseased person, Diseased persons condition of, over-eating aggravates 2T 364    [2]
Disheartened person, Disheartened persons bring ray of hope to MH 145    [2]
Dissipated person, Dissipated persons rescued by Paul’s efforts AA 252    [1]
Distressed person, Distressed persons Christ spoke peace to WM 53    [4]
Double-minded person, Double-minded persons Balaam was 4aSG 43    [4]
Double portion See Birthright  
Dreamy person, Dreamy persons restless, reading frivolous and exciting stories makes CT 134   
Drunk person, Drunk persons Satan uses, to cause calamities 2SM 52   
Dumb person, Dumb persons healed, took part in Christ’s triumphal entry DA 572    [1]
Dying person, Dying persons help always needed by CH 34, 502;ML 230;    [5]
Ease-loving person, Ease-loving persons danger of sitting down with 1SM 318    [2]