One hundredth part of blessing we should get from assembling to worship God, we do not obtain 6T 362    [2]
One hundred preachers needed where now there is one 4T 389   
One hundred times more accomplished when self-sacrifice of early days is manifested 6T 419   
One hundred youth not one in, feels his God-given responsibility 5T 115   
One-idea men described 2SM 319   
One individual every action and purpose and word of each person is as distinctly marked as if there were only, in whole universe 5T 627    [2]
One in twenty not, of church members prepared in 1893 to close earthly ministry ChS 41    [2]
One minister twenty should be added where there is now 6T 414    [1]
One person little that is stolen by, significance of CH 408-9   
One-sided people cultivation of one set of mental faculties to neglect of the others makes 3T 153   
One soul   [65]
One student is thread which is to unite with others in composing fabric 6T 172   
One thousand persons more than, will soon be converted in one day CM 151;CW 181;WM 101;   
One thousandth part not, is done in working cities that should be done WM 136   
One thousand two hundred and sixty years began in A.D. 538 GC 54-5, 266-7, 439;SR 330-1;    [8]
One twentieth part we are not doing. of good we might accomplish 4T 426;TM 195;    [3]
One woman 20 needed where there is now, in work of saving souls WM 146   
One youth not. in 100 feels his God-given responsibility 5T 115    [3]
Oppressed person, Oppressed persons acts to relieve, result in blessings to doer PP 218;4T 56;    [16]
Overbearing manner repent of 4T 341