One thousandth part not, is done in working cities that should be done WM 136   
One thousand two hundred and sixty years began in A.D. 538 GC 54-5, 266-7, 439;SR 330-1;    [8]
One twentieth part we are not doing. of good we might accomplish 4T 426;TM 195;    [3]
One woman 20 needed where there is now, in work of saving souls WM 146   
One youth not. in 100 feels his God-given responsibility 5T 115    [3]
Palmerston, Lord premier of England, quoted SL 30   
Patriarchal time, Patriarchal times Christ’s kindness and love manifested since 5T 195    [8]
People of God   [474]
Petitions to God present your, when God’s work seems improperly managed 9T 249    [3]
Prayer-answering God have confidence in MH 199   
Prayer-hearing God have confidence in MH 199    [1]
Present (time) is day of trust 4T 618    [3]
Probationary time character you form in, yours at second advent AH 16    [20]
Promised land   [1]
Prophetic time end of, Rev. 10.6 refers to 7BC 971    [2]
Prophets and Kings preparation of, by EGW in 1910 2SM 230   
Providence of God, Providences of God acknowledge, in all things 5T 427    [297]
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Refining time cleavage among church members in CT 328    [1]
Salt land persons who walk as if in AA 563