Idle children Satan ready to find something for, to do FE 417   
Image of beast GC 438-50;SR 381-2;    [24]
Image to beast apostasy in church prepares way for GC 443-4    [8]
Independent men of earnest endeavor, God’s work needs 3T 496   
Indolent children parents’ duty re 3T 152    [1]
“Israel,” name of, given to Jacob MB 144;PP 198;    [1]
Israel   [1302]
Lake of fire earth as vast, when the wicked are destroyed COL 179;GC 672-3;SR 428-9;   
Leading men many, will accept third angel’s message GC 611    [1]
Leopardlike beast See Beast, leopardlike  
Man, Men   [644]
Married children solemn obligation of, to parents 1T 218   
Married man (men) flirtations of, women who invite MM 145    [4]
Medical men some, unfit to act as physicians to women CH 365    [1]
Medical missionary men guardians of people’s health 6T 110    [6]
Men See Humans; Man  
Men pleaser, Men pleasers Christian workmen should not labor merely as 3T 25   
Miraculous fire Solomon’s sacrifice consumed by, at dedication of temple SR 194   
Moneyed men conversion of, God desires 9T 114    [2]