Right arm (hand) health reform is as closely connected with third angel’s message as, is with body CH 20-1;1T 486;3T 62, 161;6T 327;    [5]
Right hand See Hand; Right arm   [1]
Rome (city of) Appii Forum was 40 miles from AA 448    [51]
Scientific man (men) beating about upon rocks of infidelity 8T 258    [5]
Self-important men who overlook humble and contrite gospel workers 7T 26   
Self-made man (men) God’s cause needs 7T 280   
Self-sent man (men) reproach upon God’s cause by EW 97   
Sick children care of MH 385    [1]
Silliman, Benjamin GC 333   
Skillful men many persons lauded as, in their profession who scorn thought that they need to rely on Christ for wisdom CT 486   
Sleight of hand Elymas the sorcerer denounced apostolic miracles as AA 168    [1]
Small (little) men be willing to be, handling great subjects Ev 134   
Statesman(men) able, things of greatest importance neglected by GW 170    [23]
Sword, Swords Abraham used, to save people of Sodom PP 139    [36]
Temperance men propriety of voting for, for positions of trust Te 253-6   
Thinking men attention of, fixed on events taking place about us MM 333;PK 537;    [2]
Thousands of children may be brought to Christ by gospel work for them CT 172   
Thousands of cities impending destruction of AH 136;Ev 29;WM 136;   
Thousands upon thousands of youth and older people should give themselves to God’s work Ed 270-1   
Toilworn men whom God will honor Ev 630