Love sacrifice one constant, your whole life may become SD 76   
Love story, Love stories charm of, mind’s healthy tone destroyed by 2T 236    [13]
Man, Men   [644]
Man-and-woman worship warning against TM 434-5   
Man of sin attempted to change God’s signpost PK 179-80    [28]
Man power gaining ascendency in church 9T 270   
Married life beginning of, need of reconsecration to God at AH 103    [23]
Married man (men) flirtations of, women who invite MM 145    [4]
Missionary life prayer needed in 1SM 116   
Model man it does not become any person to look to himself as 5T 345    [1]
Money-loving man converted into man who loves to do good 2T 239   
Mysterious life pervades all nature Ed 99   
National life evils in, teachings of God’s word would eliminate PK 192   
Natural life illustrations from, teaching spiritual truths by SC 67   
Nature of man See Man  
Noblest man on earth 5T 235   
Official life few people in, go to church MH 210    [1]
Old man   [1]
“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go,” poem by George Matheson, quoted MH 179