Hundred and forty-four thousand See One hundred and forty-four thousand  
Ideal man not dealt with in God’s work TM 495   
Idle man Satan makes, co-worker in his schemes FE 320   
Image of beast GC 438-50;SR 381-2;    [24]
Image to beast apostasy in church prepares way for GC 443-4    [8]
Impotent man healing of See Miracle  
Laboring man See Workingman  
Lame man at pool of Bethesda, Christ healed MH 81-5    [2]
Leopardlike beast See Beast, leopardlike  
“Let,” in Exodus 5.4, means “hinder” PP 257   
Little man See Small man  
Man, Men   [644]
Man-and-woman worship warning against TM 434-5   
Man of sin attempted to change God’s signpost PK 179-80    [28]
Man power gaining ascendency in church 9T 270   
Married man (men) flirtations of, women who invite MM 145    [4]
Model man it does not become any person to look to himself as 5T 345    [1]
Money-loving man converted into man who loves to do good 2T 239