Fight time to, is when champions are most needed 7BC 982   
Hand, Hands   [106]
“Hands off!” warning of, to gospel workers 5T 595-6   
Helping hand, Helping hands Christ purposes to use human beings as AA 478    [17]
Idle children Satan ready to find something for, to do FE 417   
Idle hands ready for Satan to control 1T 395    [2]
Indolent children parents’ duty re 3T 152    [1]
Jephthah Israel judged by PP 558   
Laying on of hands See Hand  
“Looking unto Jesus,” as motto for Christians 7T 94   
Lord   [3]
Married children solemn obligation of, to parents 1T 218   
Negro children education of, schoolhouses should be erected for 9T 201    [1]
Nervous child (children) CT 187;6T 179;    [8]
Old hands help of, God’s cause needs 2SM 224   
Palmerston, Lord premier of England, quoted SL 30   
Petted children among college students FE 53    [1]
Quarrelsome children adults as 3T 53    [2]
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Restless children cake or candies given to, to keep them still 2SM 435