“Courage in the Lord!” cry of, in 1844 GW 265    [1]
Covenant-keeping God assurances given by PK 632    [4]
Covetous heart will be tested 2SG 237   
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Dealings of God profound mysteries in TM 432    [3]
Deceived soul, Deceived souls be very reluctant to give up 1T 383    [3]
Demon god, Demon gods teaching of, vilest license fostered by Ev 608;PP 688;    [1]
Despairing soul, Despairing souls feelings and needs of, consideration to be had for 5T 113    [2]
Despiser of God do not condemn brother as MB 57   
Desponding heart struggle experienced by 2T 274   
Doubtful mind do not be of 2SG 266    [1]
Doubting soul, Doubting souls Ev 240    [2]
Erring heart unwilling to. be criticized FE 239    [1]
Erring soul, Erring souls all men are, needing God’s pitying forgiveness 3T 93    [123]
Faith of Jesus   [4]
Fickle mind marriage does not always make, firm AH 57   
“Fidelity to God,” as motto for Christians PK 148;5T 528;   
First love when, will not die but increase in fervor Ev 356   
Free love spiritual, doctrine of 2SM 26   
Gloomy mind eating at all hours produces CH 565;GW 241;