Seventh day of week See Sabbath   [1]
Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh-day Adventists accused of not believing Bible 9T 240    [420]
Seventh-day Adventist Church denominational name of 1T 223-4    [61]
Seventh-day Adventist faith conversion to, does not make men fanatics or extremists 5T 642    [13]
Seventh-day Adventist family, Seventh-day Adventist families moves of, that do not please God 2T 633   
Seventh-day Adventist headquarters every pulsation from, felt by members all over field 1T 596    [5]
Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association organized and incorporated in 1861 LS 164;1T 101; See also Review and Herald Publishing Association   
Seventh Day Baptists 1T 337   
Sickly people need to become health reformers CD 39   
Signs of the Times book written by JW in 1853 LS 150;2SG 183-4;   
Signs of the Times aid to persons giving Bible studies CW 112    [74]
Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy Litch’s (Josiah) prediction in GC 334-5   
Simple-minded people can understand Sermon on Mount 5T 254   
Sleeping people sleeping preachers preaching to 2T 337   
Small matter, Small matters danger of magnifying, as great wrongs 4T 610    [3]
Spirits of dead people angels are not disembodied GC 511    [11]
Spokesmen for God some, deny their faith in daily life 5T 190   
Stormy time, Stormy times before God’s people ChS 136;CS 256;2SM 246;1T 211;5T 546;9T 167;    [2]
Street people   [1]
Substantial people SDA need MM 202