Leading Seventh-day Adventists action of, when God does not sustain TM 293-5    [18]
“Let,” in Exodus 5.4, means “hinder” PP 257   
Life and Times of John Huss by Ezra H. Gillett, quoted GC 119   
Life and Times of Luther by Wm. Carlos Martyn, quoted GC 136, 143, 154, 165-7, 221, 238, 289, 292-6   
Little matter See Small matter  
“Looking unto Jesus,” as motto for Christians 7T 94   
Lord   [3]
Lord’s day Bible points to seventh day as GC 447    [6]
Lord’s Day by A. E. Waffle, quoted GC 447   
Lost (people)   [19]
Mass of people, Masses of people education of, must begin in early life MYP 233    [2]
Matter and its properties, God furnished 1SM 294    [6]
Natural cause, Natural causes do not attribute all of God’s workings to 2BC 1011    [1]
Nature of God See God  
Negro people Satan’s efforts to keep truth from reaching 9T 208   
New Year’s Day celebration of, by helping the helpless AH 482    [5]
Night blackness of eternal, portion of the lost 5T 73    [21]
Night air erroneous idea that, is injurious to health 2T 527-8 See also Air   
Night gatherings fashionable, majority of pleasure lovers attend ML 143   
Old people only safety of, watchfulness and prayer are PK 82    [2]