Thousand topics we must turn away from, that invite attention 8T 316   
Thousand ways God has, to provide for us of which we know nothing DA 330;MH 481;   
Thousand years See Millennium  
Three hundred and ninety-one years plus 15 days, of Rev. 9.15 GC 334-5   
Timothy, First Epistle to Paul wrote AA 175, 356, 367-8;5T 593;    [1]
Timothy, Second Epistle to comment on AA 366, 498-508;GW 102;    [5]
Transforming power effects of Christ’s, upon soul 1SM 337    [1]
Trust (trusting) in God abiding, faith that ripened into PK 264    [25]
Twelve hundred and sixty years See One thousand two hundred and sixty years  
Twentieth part See One twentieth part  
Twenty-three hundred years (days) See Two thousand three hundred years (days)  
Two thousand three hundred years (days) GC 323-9    [35]
Unifying power truth’s, revealed 1SM 168   
Vitalizing power Christ dwells in hearts as 7T 189    [2]
Vital power, Vital powers disturbing circulation of electric currents in nervous system lessens 2T 347    [5]
Vivifying power Spirit makes God’s word a 8T 55   
Voice of Christ See Christ  
Voice of God announcement of day and hour of second advent by EW 15, 34, 285;GC 640;LS 65;2SG 31;1SM 75-6;1T 59;    [66]
Will power aids in. overcoming nervous attacks 5T 310    [52]
Wonder-working power of God’s word in germinating seed COL 80-1    [1]