Alexander the Great victim of intemperance CG 96;4T 348;   
American Progress: or, The Great Events of the Greatest Century by R. M. Devens, quoted GC 333   
“Better Land,” Hyde’s (W. H.) poem 2SG 55-6;1T 70-1;   
Canaan/Promised land   [18]
Canada East (Quebec) LS 132;2SG 130, 144;   
Christian land, Christian lands See Christian country  
Deep, great . foundations of, broken up when Flood came SR 66    [5]
East Macedonian call from 5T 86    [1]
Foreign land See Foreign country  
Great desire to do something, do not overlook smaller tasks awaiting you in MYP 96   
Great Britain Christianity took root early in GC 62    [4]
Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan (by EGW), adapted especially to new believers CM 129;Ev 366;    [49]
Great person, Great persons conduct of, in God’s sight SD 271    [38]
Great Sea (Mediterranean Sea) PP 471   
Great thing, Great things God longs to have His people expect, from Him COL 146    [1]
Heathen land, Heathen lands Elijah was provided refuge in DA 238    [18]
Herod I (Great) babes of Bethlehem slain by 5BC 1077;6BC 1066-7;DA 65-6, 80;GC 667;SR 424;    [13]
Horn, Horns four, of Zech. 1.18 PK 581    [2]
Land, Lands Australian, worked in superficial way FE 368;TM 243-4;    [93]
Land boom as curse to country FE 317-8