Abiding in Christ explained SC 69-71   
Acceptance by Christ   [3]
Affliction, Afflictions   [127]
Agony of Christ See Christ  
Angel, Christ as See Christ  
Anglican Church See Church of England  
Apostate church symbolized by vile woman GC 381   
Apostolic church   [4]
Backslidden church   [2]
Backslidden church members souls not brought into truth because of 6T 371   
Battle Creek church 3T 197-201;4T 508-11;8T 48-80;    [36]
Body (church)   [2]
Catholic Christian Instructed in the Sacraments, Sacrifice, and Ceremonies of the Church by R. B. Challoner, quoted GC 384   
Catholic Church See Roman Catholic Church  
Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
Christ   [13609]
Christ, false, Christs, false . actuated by their own will and seeking their own glory DA 212    [15]
Christian Baptist Church 1T 49-50   
Christian church See Church  
Christian Church FE 62;LS 20;1T 14, 33;