Christ Our Saviour by EGW Ev 259    [1]
Church, Churches   [2692]
Church, Catholic See Papacy  
Church, Christian divided in closing scenes by Sabbath TDG 69.4   
Church, Protestant See Church (Popular); Protestant church  
Church, remnant See Remnant church  
Church above Christ desires to prepare His people for 6T 418   
Church adornings splendid, what leads to demand for COL 298   
Church affairs order and system needed in conducting AA 96, 185   
Church amusement, Church amusements raising funds by WM 289   
Church and state combined authority of, will enforce Sunday observance Ev 235    [17]
Church assembly, Church assemblies Christ is present in DA 442;6T 418;   
Church board duty of, before disfellowshiping members GW 501;7T 262-3;    [1]
Church body judgment of, defer individual judgment to 4T 18    [1]
Church book (record, roll) fashionable sinners enrolled in GC 386    [22]
Church building, Church buildings 1T 196-7    [145]
Church business deacons chosen to transact SR 260    [5]
Church business meeting, Church business meetings GW 446-8    [12]
Church capacity Christ would have His followers brought together in 3T 445    [1]
Church censure place rebellious members under, who manufacture hard cider or fermented wine for market 5T 359