Expiatory sufferings Christ’s, privilege of better comprehending DA 660   
Fathers, church See Church fathers  
“Flesh,” significance of, in Scriptures AH 127-8   
Flesh cut, nature’s efforts to heal MM 11    [16]
Flesh food, Flesh foods   [511]
Flesh meat examiners testimony of, re disease among animals CD 388   
Followers of Christ See Christian  
Galatian church, Galatian churches Crescens sent from Rome to AA 490    [1]
General History of the Christian Religion and Church by Augustus Neander, quoted GC 85   
Gentile church, Gentile churches contributions of, for God’s cause at Jerusalem AA 402-3    [2]
Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan (by EGW), adapted especially to new believers CM 129;Ev 366;    [49]
Gross flesh reduced by spare diet 2T 61   
Healthy Christian: An Appeal to the Church by Howard Crosby GC 387   
High Priest (Christ as) 1SM 340-4    [369]
History of the Life and Sufferings of J. Wiclif by John Lewis, quoted GC 85   
Holy flesh erroneous doctrine of Ev 595, 600;2SM 31-9;    [3]
Home church school See School  
Image of Christ God has predestinated everyone to be conformed to DA 827    [6]
Imaginary suffering, Imaginary sufferings Israel complained of PP 380    [1]
Jerusalem church many leading members of, prejudiced against Paul AA 405    [1]