Heart, Hearts   [878]
Heart action baby’s tight bands or waists hinder 2SM 466    [11]
Heart anguish other people’s, we little know of 5T 55   
Heart disease baby’s, poisonous drugs cause 2SM 468    [7]
Heart failure effects of DA 417   
Heart-holiness men may have, through Christ 1SM 262   
Heart-keeping diligent, essential to healthy growth in grace 3BC 1157;SD 99;   
Heart imaginings that are not pure and holy 5T 595   
Heart-longing Christ can satisfy, of all who come to Him SC 46-7   
Heart service idolatry and, God distinguishes between SD 57   
Heart trouble See Heart disease  
Heathen god, Heathen gods as deified spirits of departed heroes PP 684    [5]
Heathen world God exalted and honored throughout, in Jonah’s time PK 271   
Heaven (God and/or the inhabitants of heaven)   [49]
Help work, Christian Christ is always present when His people do 6T 267    [5]
Historical work, Historical works bad influence of certain, on youth CM 143   
History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin by J. H. Merle d’Aubigne, quoted GC 218-34, 277   
Home missionary work See Missionary work  
Honorable man (men) person who is most, on earth 5T 235    [1]
Honored man (men) world’s most, many people in common walks of life could be on equality with DA 250