House of God on earth, gate of heaven to believer 5T 491    [2]
House-to-house work among the wealthy, example of WM 72-3    [97]
Human, Humans/Humanity/Man/Men  
Ideal man not dealt with in God’s work TM 495   
Idle man Satan makes, co-worker in his schemes FE 320   
Idol god, Idol gods set up by Jezebel, regarded as deities PK 115    [1]
Image of God   [40]
Imaginary world reading novels and stories causes people to live in 4T 497    [2]
Impotent man healing of See Miracle  
Impulsive work of religious nature, wildest extravagance results from 5T 647   
Individual work being right with God is 1T 145    [7]
Industrial work in our schools, counsels on how to start CT 315-7    [1]
Institutional work books dedicated to advancement of, people should sell 9T 83    [2]
Ironing time Christian’s, this is 5BC 1131   
Jehovah God name of, denotes His condescension and compassion 2BC 1034   
Jewish world apostles brought stones from quarry of, to lay on foundation of church AA 596   
Judgment of God, Judgments of God about to fall on world 6T 407    [165]
“Kingdom of God,” expression used in reference to two different kingdoms GC 347   
Laboring man See Workingman  
Lame man at pool of Bethesda, Christ healed MH 81-5    [2]