Black man name of, written in book of life beside white man’s name ChS 218;2SM 342;    [1]
Blind man/People   [2]
Boyish man warning to 5T 411   
Disappointed hope, Disappointed hopes do not feed on 3T 334    [2]
Dishonest man (men) among us need to be born again CS 142    [1]
Divorced man whose second marriage was justified 2SM 339-40   
“Doomed Man,” poem by Joseph Addison Alexander, quoted PP 159   
Drowning man clinging to side of boat TM 353   
Even (evening) begins at sunset 6T 355-6, 359    [2]
Feeble man one touch of God’s finger can prostrate 1T 117   
Fellow man (men) all associations with, should be with reference to their eternal interests and our own 4T 236    [16]
Harsh man stubborn and loveless, God will not work with Ev 629   
Harsh-spirited man unrefined and coarse SD 100   
Honorable man (men) person who is most, on earth 5T 235    [1]
Honored man (men) world’s most, many people in common walks of life could be on equality with DA 250   
Hope despair of nothing and, for everything GW 39    [2]
Hope, Hopes agent of God strengthened by 6T 44    [353]
Hope of Israel paper issued in Iowa 1T 655, 660   
Human, Humans/Humanity/Man/Men  
Ideal man not dealt with in God’s work TM 495