House of ill fame See Prostitution  
House of worship See Church building  
House-to-house ministry most important part of minister’s work is TM 312-3   
House-to-house visitation in 1843-44 2SM 402;WM 80;    [1]
House-to-house work among the wealthy, example of WM 72-3    [97]
House-to-house worker, House-to-house workers SDA need CT 540   
Imaginary things actors speak of, as if they were real CT 255   
Large things expect, from God 2SM 404   
Lazar house great, world is 8T 169    [6]
Life’s best things cannot be bought or sold MH 198;7T 27;   
Little thing, Little things   [1]
Lodging house Peter stayed at, in Joppa AA 136   
“Looking unto Jesus,” as motto for Christians 7T 94   
Massasoit House in Chicago, Ill. 2T 553   
Merchandise sale of. at conf. meetings 1T 469    [6]
Merchandise store, Merchandise stores modern, need cleansing MM 123   
Natural things combine, with spiritual in school studies FE 375   
Needless things spending money for CS 290, 298;FE 152;MH 207;2T 279;3T 386, 412;6T 441;   
New thing, New things itching desire to originate, strange doctrines result from 2SM 38    [4]
Old-fashioned things that are needed today 2SM 19;1T 461;