“I AM”   [6]
“I am saved,” never dare to say 1SM 314-5, 373   
“I am superior,” woman whose look and voice implied 3T 534-5   
Image of Christ God has predestinated everyone to be conformed to DA 827    [6]
Jesus Christ See Christ  
“Just as I Am,” hymn by Charlotte Elliott, quoted 1SM 333   
Life of Christ See Christ   [1]
Looking to Christ 5T 199-202    [6]
“Looking unto Jesus,” as motto for Christians 7T 94   
Nature of Christ See Christ  
“Peter,” signifies loose stone 5BC 1095    [1]
Peter   [336]
Peter, First Epistle of AA 517-28    [7]
Peter, Second Epistle of AA 529-37    [3]
Peter II king of Arragon, oath extracted by Innocent III from GC 580-1   
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Reign of Christ on Earth, or The Voice of the Church in All Ages by Daniel T. Taylor, quoted GC 302-3   
School of Christ absentees from, who have forgotten sound of Teacher’s voice FE 346;CT 410;    [117]
Seal of Christ   [1]
Simon Peter See Peter