Fashionable people how to evangelize Ev 556   
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French people God understands 9T 180   
Genevese people GC 233   
Happiest people world’s FE 83-4;ML 161;   
Happy people Christians should be most ML 177;MYP 363;   
Holiness people erroneous doctrine held by 1SM 360-1    [2]
Holy people God desires His people to be TM 458   
Humble people God’s, spirit that cannot harmonize with spirit of message given to 1T 330-1   
Joyless people world led to suppose that God’s people are TM 175   
Kindest people reformers should be Ev 303   
Lawless people SDA should do nothing that will mark them as Ev 173   
“Let,” in Exodus 5.4, means “hinder” PP 257   
“Looking unto Jesus,” as motto for Christians 7T 94   
Lost (people)   [19]
Mass of people, Masses of people education of, must begin in early life MYP 233    [2]
Negro people Satan’s efforts to keep truth from reaching 9T 208   
Old people only safety of, watchfulness and prayer are PK 82    [2]
“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go,” poem by George Matheson, quoted MH 179