Offering, Offerings 9T 49-60    [471]
Offerings (ceremonial)   [5]
Omnipotent hand still trust SC 106   
Palmerston, Lord premier of England, quoted SL 30   
Peace offering, Peace offerings Abigail presented, to David and his men PP 666    [14]
People of God   [474]
Petitions to God present your, when God’s work seems improperly managed 9T 249    [3]
Place, Places   [17]
Power of choice See Choice, power of  
Prayer-answering God have confidence in MH 199   
Prayer-hearing God have confidence in MH 199    [1]
Presumptuous hand let no, seek to lift veil concealing God’s glory MH 438   
Protestant cause betrayed by a leading adherent GC 211   
Providence of God, Providences of God acknowledge, in all things 5T 427    [297]
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Right arm (hand) health reform is as closely connected with third angel’s message as, is with body CH 20-1;1T 486;3T 62, 161;6T 327;    [5]
Right hand See Hand; Right arm   [1]
Rough place, Rough places earth’s, labor for the needy in Ed 270   
Sabbath school offering, Sabbath school offerings CSW 129-47