Sorrowful heart fame and talent cannot gladden MH 115   
Spirit energy and, as positive trait of character 5T 404    [1]
Spirit (temperament) if you close door to one soul by your, that soul will meet you in judgment 6T 122    [6]
Spirit or breath of life, returns to God at death 6BC 1093   
Spirit, Spirits ardent, evils arising from sale of Te 205   
Spirit, Spirits collision of, in mind of Moses Hull 1T 427   
Spirit, Spirits evil, catalogue of evil traits as 4T 45    [15]
Spirit, familiar, Spirits, familiar . are messengers of Satan PP 685    [10]
Spirit, Holy See Holy Spirit  
Spirit medium See Spiritualist medium  
Spirit of darkness in garb of religion will confront us everywhere 5T 79   
Spirit of Prophecy See Prophecy, Spirit of   [7]
Spirit of Prophecy do not sell, at too low a figure 5T 681    [16]
Spirit rapping See Rapping  
Spirit world devils appear as messengers from GC 552;SR 393;    [2]
Teachable spirit dictatorial person who needed 2T 165    [5]
Tender spirit may save the erring MH 166    [1]
Throne (of the heart)   [2]
Trading spirit worldlings’, Christian must not descend to low and bartering 2T 155   
Troubled spirit anxious and, is expressed in countenance and casts shadow 2T 640