Providence of God, Providences of God acknowledge, in all things 5T 427    [297]
Public service persons called to, duty of COL 336   
Religious body, Religious bodies popular, what most distinguishes God’s people from 3T 58 See also Church   
Religious service, Religious services blessings of attendance at, why many people lose DA 83    [6]
Ritual service Christ instituted DA 29;PP 547;    [7]
Sabbath service, Sabbath services Ed 251-2;6T 355-68;    [39]
Sacramental service See Lord’s Supper  
“Sacrifice,” term, does not belong in text of Dan. 8.12 EW 74   
Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
Sacrificial service, Sacrificial services became meaningless after Christ’s death DA 165, 757    [25]
Self-sacrifice 7T 215-9;9T 49-59;    [112]
Self-service persons whose lifework has been CS 128   
Service, Services   [406]
Sickly body, Sickly bodies man cannot glorify God with CD 18   
Small service, Small services that someone must do, be willing to render 2SM 181   
Song service, Song services congregational, encourage Ev 507    [10]
Spirit, Holy See Holy Spirit  
Spiritual living See Living  
Spokesmen for God some, deny their faith in daily life 5T 190   
Stinted service Christ gave no MH 500