Stylish living character is not given to gospel work by 2SM 202   
Sun-god Baal worshiped as 3T 282    [2]
Symbolic service glorious truths shadowed in, obscured in Israel PK 709    [3]
Tabernacle of God with men in new earth DA 26;GC 676;SR 431;   
Temperate living health is promoted by CH 66;SL 26;   
Tempting God what is meant by DA 126   
Testimony, living   [7]
Thanksgiving service, Thanksgiving services hold, in home 5T 314    [1]
“Therefore,” in Matt. 5.48 MB 76   
Trust (trusting) in God abiding, faith that ripened into PK 264    [25]
Typical service confession and repentance in GC 480    [4]
Unclean body, Unclean bodies God does not like to see people have CH 103   
United Brethren origin of, as church in Bohemia and Moravia GC 119   
Voice of God announcement of day and hour of second advent by EW 15, 34, 285;GC 640;LS 65;2SG 31;1SM 75-6;1T 59;    [66]
Voluntary service Christ desires only DA 487    [3]
Willing service God accepts only 7BC 977;3T 64;    [5]
Word of God, Words of God   [2150]
Work for God do not wait for great occasions or expect extraordinary abilities in order to do 3T 247    [2]
Work of God advancement of, it becomes us to use all our capabilities and gifts for 9T 227    [165]
Works of God contain knowledge of Himself that He has seen fit to reveal MM 91    [5]