American city See City  
Boulder City, Colo. LS 235, 256;4T 297;5T 9;   
City, Cities   [734]
City evangelism See Evangelism  
City life See City  
City lot, City lots ministers should not urge men to invest in GW 341   
City mission, City missions 5T 369    [29]
City official, City officials favoring temperance, voting for 2SM 337   
City of God   [23]
College City, Calif. FE 62   
Egyptian king, Egyptian kings nearly all, called Pharaoh 3SG 189   
Hamath on north, Solomon’s kingdom extended to PK 70   
Heathen king, Heathen kings God moved upon, to help Nehemiah TM 201    [1]
Hiram (king of Tyre) PP 703    [1]
Holy City See New Jerusalem  
Jealous king insane madness of PP 658   
King, Kings Adam as, in Eden 1BC 1082;Ed 26;    [73]
King, Seneca H. LS 185-6;1T 600;2T 18;   
National City, Calif. See Paradise Valley, Calif.