“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go,” poem by George Matheson, quoted MH 179   
Patient love Christ helped people with GW 49   
Paulson, Dr. David MM 305;1SM 24-31;   
Peter’s mother-in-law Christ healed DA 259;MH 29;   
Phinehas (son of Eli) wife of, died in childbirth PP 585;4aSG 106;SR 187;    [2]
Physical law See Law  
Prodigal son parable of See Parable   [3]
Rabbinical law, Rabbinical laws Christ acted independently of DA 84   
Ritual law See Law  
Roman law cruel policy sanctioned by AA 445   
Roman servants were slaves DA 315;MH 63;   
Sanitary law, Sanitarium laws enforced in Israel before entering Canaan MH 277   
Selfish love confines itself to prescribed limits 3T 530    [2]
Self-love beclouds perceptive powers LS 199;2T 605;    [43]
Self-renouncing love law of, is law of life for earth and heaven DA 20   
Self-sacrificing love glory of, Christ’s glory is DA 20    [3]
Servant, Servants   [70]
Slave law fugitive, do not obey 1T 201-2    [1]
Slothful servants church members as 5T 184, 462-3;6T 434-5;    [1]