Advent people path of, vision re EW 14;1SM 62;   
Antediluvian, Antediluvians (people who lived before the flood) Ed 20-7;EW 145-53;PP 44-116;3SG 33-96;SR 20-71;    [77]
Backsliding people God has not forsaken 3BC 1132   
Black people white people and, free and equal in God’s sight 2SM 343    [1]
Blind man/People   [2]
Busy people cheerful, are most happy and healthy CG 342   
Cheerful people busy, are most happy CG 342    [2]
Colored people   [1]
Commandment-keeping people See Commandment  
Common people Christ sought to reach minds of CW 107;Ev 565;    [8]
Covenant-keeping people God will work in behalf of His 7T 242   
Covenant people Israel as God’s PP 335    [2]
Denominated people, God’s . men should not look in vain to Ev 121    [4]
Destroyed sinner who is, will have destroyed himself COL 84   
Dominion, Dominions Adam was given, over earth PP 44-5, 67;SR 22;    [12]
European language, European languages Christ’s Object Lessons should be translated into 6T 474   
Everlasting life See Life  
Fashionable people how to evangelize Ev 556   
French people God understands 9T 180   
Future glory See Glory