American city See City  
Arnold, David LS 110;2SG 97-8, 149;   
Benevolent men cheerfulness lights faces of 2T 534   
Bookman(men) faithful, encouragement for LS 446    [1]
Boulder City, Colo. LS 235, 256;4T 297;5T 9;   
Captive, Captives   [3]
City, Cities   [734]
City evangelism See Evangelism  
City life See City  
City lot, City lots ministers should not urge men to invest in GW 341   
City mission, City missions 5T 369    [29]
City official, City officials favoring temperance, voting for 2SM 337   
City of God   [23]
Clergyman(men) efforts of, to keep light from shining on flocks GC 607    [5]
College City, Calif. FE 62   
Consecrated men few really, among God’s people 5T 82   
Crafty men lie in wait to deceive unwary children of God 3T 427   
Daughter, Daughters   [3]
Dishonest man (men) among us need to be born again CS 142    [1]