Barren fig tree parable of See Parable  
Bay tree green, hypocrite like 7BC 939;TM 412;   
“Born again,” defined AH 206    [1]
Box tree in new earth EW 19;2SG 54;1T 69;   
Christmas tree AH 482-3   
Cypress tree, Cypress trees in garden of Gethsemane DA 689    [2]
Eucalyptus tree charcoal powder from, inflammation treated with 2SM 298    [1]
Fatherless children See Father; Orphan  
Fig tree, Fig trees barren, Israel represented by COL 215;DA 582;    [12]
Fir tree life-giving properties of 7T 77   
Importunate widow parable of See Parable  
Juniper tree Elijah under PK 162;3T 291;   
Leafing fig tree See Parable  
Myrtle tree, Myrtle trees branches of, waved during Feast of Tabernacles DA 448    [2]
Oil tree in new earth EW 19;2SG 54;1T 69;   
Olive, Olives harvested before Feast of Tabernacles DA 447    [3]
Olive branches   [1]
Olive leaf dove brought, to Noah PP 105;3SG 72;SR 69;   
Olive oil better than animal oil or fat MH 298;7T 134;    [10]
Olive tree, Olive trees   [15]