Affirmative side of Bible truth, present CW 105   
Cheerful side of religion, represent 6T 365   
Dark side of life, dwelling too much on ML 327    [1]
Dominating hand take off, from God’s workers TM 492   
Doubting side persons on, feel free to suggest doubts 3T 259   
Fall, Falls great fact of man’s, rejected by many professed Christians PK 625    [15]
Five thousand fed by Christ See Miracle   [1]
Four thousand feeding of See Miracle  
Four thousand years   [1]
“God and the right,” as motto for Christians 6BC 1081   
Hand, Hands   [106]
Hand-bath See Bath  
Helping hand, Helping hands Christ purposes to use human beings as AA 478    [17]
Hundred and forty-four thousand See One hundred and forty-four thousand  
Individual right, Individual rights clinging to, at all hazards PP 132    [1]
Legal right, Legal rights Paul and Silas contended for their AA 217-8   
Omnipotent hand still trust SC 106   
One hundred and forty-four thousand GC 628-9;EW 15-6, 19, 37;LS 65-6;2SG 32-4;1T 59-61, 69;    [38]
One thousand persons more than, will soon be converted in one day CM 151;CW 181;WM 101;   
One thousand two hundred and sixty years began in A.D. 538 GC 54-5, 266-7, 439;SR 330-1;    [8]