Furnace fire, Furnace fires are not to destroy, but to refine, ennoble, and sanctify 8T 123    [2]
Garden herb, Garden herbs simple, Jews exacted tithes on SD 55   
Graham bread See Bread; Gem  
Gross flesh reduced by spare diet 2T 61   
Herb, Herbs Adam’s diet included, after his fall MH 296    [12]
Holy flesh erroneous doctrine of Ev 595, 600;2SM 31-9;    [3]
Lake of fire earth as vast, when the wicked are destroyed COL 179;GC 672-3;SR 428-9;   
Miraculous fire Solomon’s sacrifice consumed by, at dedication of temple SR 194   
Night blackness of eternal, portion of the lost 5T 73    [21]
Night air erroneous idea that, is injurious to health 2T 527-8 See also Air   
Night gatherings fashionable, majority of pleasure lovers attend ML 143   
Sanctified flesh erroneous doctrine re 2SM 34    [1]
Swine’s flesh (pork)   [53]
Unleavened bread See Bread  
Unleavened Bread, Feast of DA 76-7;PP 537, 539;    [10]