Beautiful things of creation, God’s love represented by SD 75   
Best things of life, not bought or sold MH 198;7T 27;   
Byron, Lord 4T 519-20    [1]
Cheerful thing, Cheerful things happiness depends on fixing mind on MH 248   
“Courage in the Lord!” cry of, in 1844 GW 265    [1]
Created thing, Created things declare glory of God’s excellence DA 20    [7]
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Day of judgment See Judgment day  
Deceptive thing, Deceptive things many, will appear to be true 8T 290   
Devotional exercise, Devotional exercises daily, needed in sanitariums MM 208    [6]
“Earth,” meaning of, in signs recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke EW 41   
Earth   [347]
Earthly things not enduring, though they cost much 2T 336   
Eternal things not appreciated 1T 691   
Executive judgment See Judgment  
Exercise (mental) See Mental exercise; Mind  
Exercise (physical)   [299]
Fanatical exercise, Fanatical exercises people influenced by 5T 668   
Fancied thing, Fancied things persons who see, which do not exist Ev 611   
Fanciful thing, Fanciful things do not trust to presentation of, to arouse interest Ev 137