Abiding in Christ explained SC 69-71   
Acceptance by Christ   [3]
Agony of Christ See Christ  
Angel, Christ as See Christ  
Bar-jesus sorcerer See Elymas  
Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
Christ   [13609]
Christ, false, Christs, false . actuated by their own will and seeking their own glory DA 212    [15]
Christ Our Saviour by EGW Ev 259    [1]
Controversy (universal, between Christ and Satan)   [16]
Disciple of Christ, Disciples of Christ   [299]
Egyptian soldier, Egyptian soldiers mail-clad, in Moses’ time PP 287   
Faith of Jesus   [4]
Followers of Christ See Christian  
Good all power to do, is given by God ML 118    [47]
Good and evil   [7]
Good Health AH 415;CW 127-8;7T 64;   
Good Samaritan   [1]
Good thing, Good things man cannot do, of himself DA 98    [1]
Good time religious exercises mean little more than, to many 2SM 21