Sanctified heart, Sanctified hearts is in harmony with precepts of God’s law AA 563    [1]
Sanctified lip, Sanctified lips presumptuous words that will not be uttered by AA 561-2   
Sanctified principle, Sanctified principles basis of every action should be 2T 380   
Sanctified soul not content to remain in ignorance 1SM 317   
School money misuse of, warning against CS 271   
Self-estimation undue, enemy is invited in by 5T 289   
South/Southern field (in U.S.A.)   [31]
Temple money used for buying sacrifices, Judas was paid for his treachery with 5BC 1123   
Theoretical part of education is not most essential FE 539   
Thousandth part See One thousandth part  
Twentieth part See One twentieth part  
Wise many people think themselves too, to err Ev 593    [1]
Wise men   [63]
Wise person, Wise persons soul of, Christ paid purchase money for 2SM 343    [2]