Scientific man (men) beating about upon rocks of infidelity 8T 258    [5]
Scrofulous swelling, Scrofulous swellings chilling of ankles causes much 2SM 477;1T 459;    [1]
Sealing time of 144,000 in closing work for church 3T 266    [6]
Self-made man (men) God’s cause needs 7T 280   
Self-sent man (men) reproach upon God’s cause by EW 97   
Shaking time has come 7T 219    [2]
Shepherd, Shepherds abomination to Egyptians PP 232    [83]
Sifting time near 5T 80    [2]
Son of Man   [2]
Sowing time life is your CT 491;MM 44;    [4]
Stand, Stands ornaments and pictures on 2SM 317   
Stand   [2]
Stormy time, Stormy times before God’s people ChS 136;CS 256;2SM 246;1T 211;5T 546;9T 167;    [2]
Strong exercise your powers in order to be ChS 84    [1]
Strong (John) and M’Clintock (Jas.) quoted GC 261   
Strong, Josiah quoted GC 565   
Strong, P., Jr. 1T 670   
Strong drink See Intoxicating drink; Liquor  
Stubborn man harsh and loveless, God will not work with Ev 629   
Successful man Job as example of Ed 142    [1]