Adventists, all-days-alike abuse SDA 3T 572   
Adventists, first-day .   [13]
Adventists, no-day . SDA abused by 3T 572   
Ancient of Days God the Father GC 479-80   
Atonement, Day of   [63]
Bear, Bears DA 479;PK 235-6;PP 644;   
“Better Land,” Hyde’s (W. H.) poem 2SG 55-6;1T 70-1;   
Books, Seventh-day Adventist   [243]
Book author, Book authors, Seventh-day Adventist ability of, talent given by God 7T 177    [7]
Breach in God’s law See Law of God  
Canaan/Promised land   [18]
Child of day, Children of day few people can be called 5T 10   
Christian land, Christian lands See Christian country  
Christmas Day Christ’s birth commemorated on AH 477-8;MYP 311;   
Coronation day Christ’s 4BC 1157;SD 347;    [1]
Covenant promise, Covenant promises Abraham was given PK 368    [8]
Dark day (May 19, 1780), described GC 306-8    [4]
Darkest days fear not in, when appearances seem forbidding 8T 10    [1]
Day, Days all, God carries out His plans for us in DA 206    [38]
Day and night changes of, speak to man of God’s love CS 17;SD 17;    [2]