Day by day how God would have His people live DA 313    [1]
Day of Atonement See Atonement, Day of  
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Day of God’s preparation we live in 2SM 379;5T 118, 257, 420-1;    [2]
Day of judgment See Judgment day  
Day of reckoning   [2]
Day schools See School  
Day-Star editor of, ran into spiritualism EW 77    [1]
Discourse in Six Dialogues, on the Name, Notion, and Observation of the Lord’s Day by Thomas H. Morer, quoted GC 575-7   
Even (evening) begins at sunset 6T 355-6, 359    [2]
First day of week See Sunday  
Flowers of promise placed along Christian pathway by God ML 338   
Foreign land See Foreign country  
Four thousand years   [1]
Gospel promise given first to man in Eden Ed 27;PP 370;    [2]
Heathen land, Heathen lands Elijah was provided refuge in DA 238    [18]
Historical and Practical Discourse on the Lord’s Day by Francis West, quoted GC 575   
History of the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week by J. N. Andrews 1T 667;3T 38-9;    [1]
Hundred and forty-four thousand See One hundred and forty-four thousand  
Jubilee year celebration of, in Israel Ed 43;MH 184;PP 533-4;    [2]