Land, Lands Australian, worked in superficial way FE 368;TM 243-4;    [93]
Land boom as curse to country FE 317-8   
Land, promised   [1]
Land speculation mania for, warning against CS 231    [1]
Last days agencies of evil combining and consolidating in 9T 11    [228]
Lazy day, Lazy days holidays are FE 317   
Leading Seventh-day Adventists action of, when God does not sustain TM 293-5    [18]
Lord’s day Bible points to seventh day as GC 447    [6]
Lord’s Day by A. E. Waffle, quoted GC 447   
Messianic promise covenant of blessing to Abraham included PK 37    [1]
New year   [2]
New Year’s Day celebration of, by helping the helpless AH 482    [5]
Number, Numbers mistake of trusting in, in God’s work DA 370, 459-60;PP 550;    [6]
One hundred and fifty years of Rev. 9.5, 10 GC 334-5   
One hundred and forty-four thousand GC 628-9;EW 15-6, 19, 37;LS 65-6;2SG 32-4;1T 59-61, 69;    [38]
One thousand two hundred and sixty years began in A.D. 538 GC 54-5, 266-7, 439;SR 330-1;    [8]
Order of the day men whose, is work, work, work 2T 663   
Pioneer Seventh-day Adventists aged 7T 286-9    [52]
Preparation day See Friday  
Promise, Promises   [469]