Land, Lands Australian, worked in superficial way FE 368;TM 243-4;    [93]
Land boom as curse to country FE 317-8   
Land, promised   [1]
Land speculation mania for, warning against CS 231    [1]
Little, Littles accomplished because little attempted COL 331;MH 498;    [13]
Little act See Small act  
Little concern See Small concern  
Little deed See Small deed  
Little difficulty See Difficulty  
Little digression See Digression  
Little duty See Duty  
Little gift See Offering  
Little incident See Incident  
Little indulgence See Indulgence  
Little loss See Loss  
Little man See Small man  
Little matter See Small matter  
“Little ones,” in Matt. 10.42, persons who are as children in faith and knowledge of Christ are PK 132    [1]
Little opportunity See Opportunity  
Little outgo See Small outgo