Indolent children parents’ duty re 3T 152    [1]
Judah (tribe of) . border of, Jerusalem was on PP 703    [15]
Levi, tribe of aided priests in sanctuary services 1BC 1112;MH 353;PP 350;    [9]
Lot   [66]
Lot, Lots city, ministers should not urge people to invest in GW 341    [1]
Manasseh (tribe of) Gideon was of PP 546    [1]
Married children solemn obligation of, to parents 1T 218   
Missionary family, Missionary families consecrated man and wife should be in charge of, in cities 6T 74    [3]
Needy family, Needy families Christian’s duty to help supply wants of EW 57-8    [1]
Negro children education of, schoolhouses should be erected for 9T 201    [1]
Nervous child (children) CT 187;6T 179;    [8]
One hundred families not one in, is improved by residing in city AH 137   
Petted children among college students FE 53    [1]
Quarrelsome children adults as 3T 53    [2]
Restless children cake or candies given to, to keep them still 2SM 435   
Reuben, tribe of 2BC 999;PP 235, 395, 517-20;   
Seventh-day Adventist family, Seventh-day Adventist families moves of, that do not please God 2T 633   
Sick children care of MH 385    [1]
Thousands of children may be brought to Christ by gospel work for them CT 172   
Thousands of families books and pamphlets can be sent into, now sitting in darkness of error 4T 389