Heart-longing Christ can satisfy, of all who come to Him SC 46-7   
Heart service idolatry and, God distinguishes between SD 57   
Heart trouble See Heart disease  
Heathen god, Heathen gods as deified spirits of departed heroes PP 684    [5]
Heaven (God and/or the inhabitants of heaven)   [49]
House of God on earth, gate of heaven to believer 5T 491    [2]
Humble God’s purpose in seeking to, His people 3T 211    [3]
Humble men ruined by prosperity because they forgot to be MM 36-7    [3]
Humble disciple Christ’s, no man too highly educated to become 5T 584   
Humble learner, Humble learners teachers must first become 4T 527   
Humble opinion Paul had, of his advancement in Christian life GW 143   
Humble path of holiness, man who sought broader path than 5T 586   
Humble pattern dare to be follower of, in dress 1T 136   
Humble people God’s, spirit that cannot harmonize with spirit of message given to 1T 330-1   
Humble person, Humble persons   [9]
Humble spirit God desires that Christ’s, be revealed in institution 7T 92   
Humble view, Humble views safety in holding, of self 5T 586   
Humble wisdom need of more, and less of self in God’s work 9T 148   
Hundred and forty-four thousand See One hundred and forty-four thousand  
Idol god, Idol gods set up by Jezebel, regarded as deities PK 115    [1]