Halfhearted work God will not accept 2T 46    [1]
Halfway work do not do, in seeking God’s kingdom CD 484-5   
Haphazard work in home, will not stand test of judgment CG 25    [4]
Health reform work beware how you oppose CD 38;Ev 664;MM 279;    [19]
Health work among Christ’s apostles 4T 225    [4]
Heathen wife, Heathen wives Ishmael’s experience with PP 174    [1]
Help work, Christian Christ is always present when His people do 6T 267    [5]
Historical work, Historical works bad influence of certain, on youth CM 143   
Home missionary work See Missionary work  
House, Houses MH 363-70    [120]
“House-band” See Father; Husband  
House of God on earth, gate of heaven to believer 5T 491    [2]
House of ill fame See Prostitution  
House of worship See Church building  
House-to-house ministry most important part of minister’s work is TM 312-3   
House-to-house visitation in 1843-44 2SM 402;WM 80;    [1]
House-to-house work among the wealthy, example of WM 72-3    [97]
House-to-house worker, House-to-house workers SDA need CT 540   
Impulsive work of religious nature, wildest extravagance results from 5T 647