Nervous child (children) CT 187;6T 179;    [8]
Petted children among college students FE 53    [1]
Quarrelsome children adults as 3T 53    [2]
Restless children cake or candies given to, to keep them still 2SM 435   
Sick children care of MH 385    [1]
Son, Sons of God. angels as MB 109    [13]
Sons of the prophets students in schools of prophets were called Ed 46;6T 466;   
Thousands of children may be brought to Christ by gospel work for them CT 172   
Two sons parable of See Parable  
Vicious children corrupt society in which they mingle 2T 362, 402   
Wealthy children do not deprive, of blessings of useful labor CT 147-8    [2]
Whipping children 2T 259-60    [2]