Holy place See High priest; Sanctuary  
Hope of Israel paper issued in Iowa 1T 655, 660   
“Israel,” name of, given to Jacob MB 144;PP 198;    [1]
Israel   [1302]
Jealous king insane madness of PP 658   
Jehoshaphat king of Judah CS 139;PK 113, 190-203, 214;    [22]
Jehoshaphat valley of GC 32   
Judah Jacob’s son, Benjamin’s surety PP 227, 230;3SG 163-4;    [6]
Judah, kingdom of alliance of, with Egypt PK 423    [43]
Judah (tribe of) . border of, Jerusalem was on PP 703    [15]
King, Kings Adam as, in Eden 1BC 1082;Ed 26;    [73]
King, Seneca H. LS 185-6;1T 600;2T 18;   
Law and prophets are God’s appointed agencies for saving men COL 265    [2]
Lonely place persons to whom earth will never be Ed 120   
Market place, Market places ancient custom of men seeking employment to wait in COL 396    [2]
Meeting place See Church building; Hall  
Most Holy Place   [8]
Patriarchs and Prophets (book) adapted especially to new converts CM 129;Ev 366;    [21]
Patriarchs and prophets   [3]
Place, Places   [17]