Prophet, Prophets   [191]
Prophets and Kings preparation of, by EGW in 1910 2SM 230   
Robe, Robes ascension, Millerites did not make GC 373;LS 56;SR 362;1T 51;    [40]
Rough place, Rough places earth’s, labor for the needy in Ed 270   
Samaria Baal worship introduced into, by Ahab PK 114    [17]
Schools of prophets Ed 45-50;PP 592-602;    [93]
Solitary place, Solitary places desolate and, in time of trouble God’s people will dwell in GC 626   
Sons of the prophets students in schools of prophets were called Ed 46;6T 466;   
Strait gate   [3]
Throne, Thrones as token of self-conquest through Christ’s grace DA 549    [90]
Throne (of the heart)   [2]
Throne of grace   [4]
Woman of Samaria   [2]