Herdsman(men) Amos was MH 148    [1]
Hewett, David 2SM 337;Te 255;   
Honorable man (men) person who is most, on earth 5T 235    [1]
Honored man (men) world’s most, many people in common walks of life could be on equality with DA 250   
Human, Humans/Humanity/Man/Men  
Hume, David skeptic CG 196   
Independent men of earnest endeavor, God’s work needs 3T 496   
Kindness acts of tender, relieve people’s burdens and sorrows by 3T 539-40    [183]
Laing, David quoted GC 250-1   
Leading men many, will accept third angel’s message GC 611    [1]
Livingstone, David life of, study Ed 269   
“Looking unto Jesus,” as motto for Christians 7T 94   
Lord   [3]
Loving-kindness God’s, manifest TM 151    [4]
Man, Men   [644]
Married man (men) flirtations of, women who invite MM 145    [4]
Medical men some, unfit to act as physicians to women CH 365    [1]
Medical missionary men guardians of people’s health 6T 110    [6]
Men See Humans; Man  
Men pleaser, Men pleasers Christian workmen should not labor merely as 3T 25